What We Do
Pacific General Underwriters was founded to address a glaring need in the group benefits arena; we quite simply deliver more value than traditional benefit brokers and agents.
This chart contrasts how Pacific General Underwriters and other brokers work. Both plan and deliver your benefits, receiving a compensation to do so. Both use about 30% of that compensation providing account management services. The difference is in how we use the other 70%. Pacific General Underwriters invest the funds others take as margin or profit into our clients:
Traditional Broker Account Management Services:
Pacific General Underwriters provide:
and Pacific General Adds More Value:
We’ve found the investment pays off. Our clients include a wide array of private and public sector employers that have found Pacific General Underwriters’ ability to deliver unexpected value is just what they’ve been looking for. So they stay with Pacific General Underwriters, making our client retention rate better than 98%.
- Are you that happy with your broker relationship now?
- Contact us to learn how the investment we make in our clients can pay off for your organization.