Learn how Fayette County saved $500,000 a year

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Hospitals, group and private practices deserve better benefits

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Wellness Program reduces premiums for Rovema

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Jack Smith, Former Chairman, Fayette County Board of
Commissioners, addressing local leaders:

“We saved $500,000 on health insurance the first year. We’re paying the same
premium we paid five years ago, with the same or better coverage. Our defined
benefit plan saved $540,000. Because of these and other measures, we’ve had no tax increases, no layoffs, and no furloughs. We’ve cut our budget by seven million and banked another seven million.”

Lori Smith, Benefits Administrator for Fayette County
on the value of her strong relationship with Pacific General Underwriters:

“The team is personal, yet professional. We’ve been working with them for close to two years. Their crew is all good. They work together like a fine-tuned clock.”

“The biggest benefit? Jaki gives me the right resources for a thorough and accurate answer to my bosses, the county administrator and board of commissioners. On health reform, she’s doing a lot of research for me. It saves time. If I want a good answer, Jaki’s going to research it, and give me the right answer.”


The Client:  Fayette County, Georgia, (700 employees)


The Problem:  The county received notification of a 23.3% increase
in health insurance premiums. On June 1, 2010, their Dual Option
HMO / POS annual plan would have increased from $4.577 million to
$5.620 million.

The Strategic Insurance Solution: Pacific General Underwriters’ team proposed and created a partially self-funded program, customized for Fayette County.

The Details: Without loss of service, Fayette County
employees have the same or better coverage under the new self-funded plan.

  • PPO network, but with the same copay and deductible structure
    as the former HMO.
  • Out of Network benefit levels like the former POS plan
  • Allows employees to visit in-network specialists without a referral from
    their Primary Care Physician, not available with previous plan.


The Win:

  • Fayette County will save at least $315,652 and as much as $1.4 million
    depending on final year-end claims experience.


The Problem: Notification of 15% plan increase on their triple
option benefits program

The Strategic Insurance Solution: Pacific General redesigned Fayette County’s
self-funded program to a new administrator, negotiating major rate savings.

The Details: Pacific General guaranteed better customer
service for Fayette County through performance guarantees.

  • Customer Service Guarantee that will return 15% to the county if the
    administrator does not perform.
  • The insurance provider also guaranteed a 10% return if they don’t
    meet goals for discounts with networked providers.


The Win:

  • Fayette County’s 2-year rate guarantee is projected to save $592,000.

